Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why am I Investigating Robert J McNulty?

Ask yourself - are there really good people and bad people in this world?

And what do you do to stop the bad people - once you've found them...

Not much can be done if they have all the money (especially all the money from low-income people who cannot afford it - or fledgling business owners who don't know any better.)

But we can investigate and separate facts from fiction - and state opinion and show people the truth available if they only would spend a little time looking up the information online.

So why am I looking up information on Robert J McNulty?

Because Mr. McNulty owns and has owned businesses that have caused havoc, have hidden secrets and dubious activities.

In fact, some of these businesses that he operates have deep, dark employees or boards of directors who have been charged with crimes... People who should NEVER be handling money or offering dreams up for sale.

All these people have done is get rich off of people like your grandmother who lives on Social Security... Or people who spent their last dollar - believing the scams that were portrayed online - and lost everything. Homes, families and more because of this human being.

Watch as I expose links and I show how McNulty owned an auto place - that got busted for money disappearing  --- yet someone else took the rap. How he opened up Local Ad Link with promises of great wealth - and the checks BOUNCED - and he never paid those checks off - to our knowledge. And - then he claimed bankruptcy on one company - while having several other companies take the profits and build into a new scam - KACHING KACHING.

It looks good on the surface. And it looks pretty and polished.

But wait - just really get to know who is behind it... Beyond Commerce, I-supply, BoomJ, Local Ad Links, Zurvita, Burn Lounge, ADJuice - and more....

Yes... you're getting the picture...

Go forth and do some research... You'll figure it out.

If not - go ahead - be stupid - put your money in and find out for yourself.

FIND ONE LOWER LEVEL (12 plus generations down... from the top that is making money --- and wasn't forced to buy into more or bigger packages... oh and did I mention - you can get these things for free and do it on your own - if you just looked around before paying some scam artist...)

Stand in line - you're not the first person to get scammed...

But - don't be stupid - do your research...

If you give me a little time - I will show you the research I have found - and I will give you some opinions on it too.

Signing out for now,

Joe Blink - 007 on the tail of Robert J Mcnulty and all his scammy companies


  1. Hi, I have no clue if you still read the comments posted on this blog, but Rob McNulty is at it again with scams. This time he is scamming rideshare drivers. You know a lot about him so I wanted to talk. I think it's time a documentary is made.
